Dan Lyons Legal

Trusts, Wills, Powers of Attorney
Get Peace of Mind Today

Why do I need a living trust (also called a grantor trust, a revocable trust or an inter vivos trust )? Can't I just use a simple will? When you properly set up a trust your assets are considered owned by the trust. As a result your heirs do not have to go through the probate process which can be expensive and onerous.

Contact me today for your Will and Trust needs and let's get started.

Last Wills and Testament or Pour Over Wills

A Last Will and Testament can by itself express the wishes of the deceased. A will by itself will not avoid probate if the estate has real estate or assets greater than $100,000.00.   

A Pour Over Will is just a type of Will you create that allows smaller assets or assets you may forgotten to be transfered into your trust.  It is part of our Trust package. 


Living Trusts

A living trust is created during your lifetime and is revocable.  You can act as  trustee and have broad powers to utilize the trust as you please.  If you become incapacitated the trust provides for a successor trustee to manage the assets.  Upon your death the trust contains instructions for you assets the same as a will would.  The big difference is assets held in trust do not have to go through the probate process.     

Durable Powers of Attorney for Property and Healthcare

A Durable Power of Attorney for Property allows a person to appoint a loved one or trusted friend to act on their behalf.   It should be specific on what powers are being granted.   

A Power of Attorney for Health Care is similar, but it operates in regards to medical decisions rather than asset management.  

Transfer on Death Instruments

A transfer on death instrument is a revocable instrument that allows a property owner to transfer residential real estate to one or more beneficiaries on the owner’s death, without the necessity of probate or the financial risk of joint tenancy.  

Get peace of mind today in regards to your loved ones. Let's get started today. Call me for a Trust questionnaire.

We invite you to contact our office. Let’s talk about how we can be of assistance to you.